
Elevator Forum 2022

Expert talks and stimulating discussions about the latest elevator industry trends – the Elevator Forum in Landquart was a great networking opportunity.

Elevator Forums are a series of events organized together with our partner companies ALGI , Danfoss , Digipara AG , Kollmorgen Steuerungstechnik GmbH and Meiller Aufzugstüren GmbH , each hosting an event in turn and giving presentations on the topic of “efficient drives and controller technology combined with safe elevator doors” at every location. We have already been to several events in Germany and the Netherlands, and on September 29 we had the pleasure of welcoming the participants in our HQ in Switzerland.

CEDES is participating for the first time this year and we have really been enjoying the collaboration. We would like to thank our partners for this opportunity, and we are looking forward to an equally successful tour in 2023!

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